life in


Summer 2005 二○○五年夏天

This is a special summer for us, for we have two big events happening. One is to move to a better home in a better neighborhood, the other is to have Li-qing's Seventh Aunt and her children and grandchildren visiting with us. They will stay with us for a couple of days, then we go to Yellowstone National Park together.

I often remember Seventh Aunt in her white physician apron, ringing with laughter. She was the best obstetrician in town in Xiamen city in her time. But when our son had to had the tendon underneath his tongue cut off a little so that he could speak more freely, she handed the scissors for her colleague to do it. Turning her face away, she murmured that she simply could not operate on a child in the family.

I often remember Seventh Uncle in his white physician apron, talking little but smiling a lot. He was the best radiologist in town in Xiamen city in his time. Patients and doctors would come to his office or his home with big X-ray negatives to seek his professional opinion for diagnosis. In the days when milk was still scarce, he would save his milk for Hong or Wei if we took them along.

Once I took Hong to Xiamen on route to Huian to see his mother. Seventh Uncle had called to arrange for a free ride for us. Ming, Seventh Uncle's son, got up early to take us to the bus station. Rong, Seventh Uncle's daughter, got up to bid us goodbye too. She also handed Hong some pocket money, saying it was from her parents.






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Seventh Aunt posting with our family in the garden of our current home on August 13, 2005
Seventh Aunt posting with our family and her children and grandchildren in the garden of our current home on August 14, 2005
on the campus of Willamette University with Oregon state capitol in the background
on the campus of Willamette University with Hatfield Fountain in the background
在威拉姆特大学校园里,背景是 Hatfield 喷泉
crabbing at New Port
 在 New Port 捞螃蟹
at the Holmes' cabin on Santiam River
 在美国友人树林别墅旁的 Santiam 河上
Kevin and grandma on Santiam River
Kevin and grandma on Santiam River
Seventh Aunt and Kevin
Kevin playing with sand, mud, and water
Xichen and his dad helping mom into the float
Santiam River
 Santiam 河


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Updated November 18, 2015
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