I went back to China August 2014, to see my mother. Arriving at Xiamen airport, I was greeted by the seemingly burning hot air. In the days ensued, the temperature hovered over 90 and even 100 Fahrenheit, day and night. I lived here all my childhood, but do not remember how I managed the summer heat, without electrical fans and conditioning, at that time.

At 96, Mother is harder on hearing, but she still moves on her daily life, caring not only for herself, but for her sons and grandchildren. Every morning we went to the local marketing place together. There was fresh farm produce of every kind, from all over the countryside. Their prices have risen quite a lot, but so has people's living standard. Life without Mao in this small town of Shima is certainly much much better.




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scenes from hometown 家乡石码所见

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Updated October 20, 2016