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Life in Xiamen University  在厦门大学的日子

If you ever have a chance to go to China, you should pay a visit to Xiamen, a coastal city in Fujian Provice.  When you are in Xiamen, people will all direct you to Gulangyu, a small island by itself.  You should also pay a visit to Xiamen University, the place where I spent about ten years.

The city, the island, and the campus are all beautiful.  You would see big palm trees around red brick buildings.  Beach is just 10 to 30 minutes' walk.  You can wade or swim, in the sea,  even in winter if you are brave enough.  There used to be a time when you could hear rumbling loudspeakers from the military barracks across the seas.  They talked the same language, but attacking each other most of the time, one side being the Communist, while the other being Guomintang, or Nationalist.  Briefly in 1958, words turned into artillery.

Neither side shells each other now.  Instead, talks are going on, and communication and trasportation are slowly taking place.  May we wish that people on both sides are wise enough to learn to live peacefully and happily forever. 

Becoming a graduate student

Days as a graduate student

Days as a teacher

Homepage of Xiamen University

Xiamen University America Alumni Association


记得曾天蒙蒙亮时就起床去晨练。400米的跑道跑到五圈,单杆引体向上九下。记得跨过有炮弹孔的水泥路到校图书馆去查资料,从藏书室的一个接一个的不见阳光的内室走进去,可以找到尘封多年的外文书 ,大都是二十年代和三十年代出版的。记得带两个孩子周末去大礼堂看电影。他们还小,就坐在座位间的扶手上。还记得“特区班”毕业了,设宴招待教他们的老师们。班上的同学一个个特别热情地来跟我干杯。事后才承认他们本来是想把我灌醉的。





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Xiamen and Gulangyu
statue is founder of Xiamen University, Mr. Tan Kah Kee (1874-1961)
Mr. Tankahkee, the founder
palm trees on the campus
palm on Xiada campus
校园里的棕榈树 (摄于约1983年)
palm trees on the campus
校园里的棕榈树 (摄于约1982年)
Hong & Wei and cousins on an outing
Our niece, Fangfang, dancing on the corridor outside our apartment, with Hong watching.
on a family outing to Gulangyu
Hong, Wei and Fangfang in a park
Building where we lived
芙蓉三 (我们住在二楼右手边201和202)
Hong and Wei on the campus
little brothers on campus

(Click image to enlarge.  击打图片即可放大。)

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Updated November 18, 2015