life in


Little Grandson  (1) 抱孙了(一)

Having been a Dad for thirty-odd years, I was thrilled to become a grandpa on March 10.  Our grandson, Kevin Zhuang, was born ten days earlier than anticipated.  Both mother and baby are healthy, but the baby is very tiny, and more often than not keeps his eyes shut.  I gentally touched his arm with my finger.  It felt as soft as tofu, as if I could poke through.

Thrilled, I sent out E-mail messages to friends and relatives.  One friend warns me against spoiling my grandson in the future.  That night, rain fell on the roof, and as I pulled quilt over, I thought of my grandson.  In this world, there is one more person, this grandson, to care for now.

当老爸当了三十多年,今年三月十日起,升级当爷爷了。小孙子庄恺恩是提早十天出生的,重不到五磅。除了偶尔哭一声,大部分时间闭着眼睛不理人。用食指触触他的手臂,象摸到一块温豆腐,真嫩。赶紧给亲友们发 E-mail,就有好心人说:嘿,可别 spoil 孙子!会吗?会走所有爷爷奶奶的老路,惯坏小孙子吗?那天夜里,刮风下雨,冷了。拉被的时候,想起了小孙子。他冷吗?他爸妈是否知道给他添衣加被呢?

Grandson one month old

Our grandson is now one month old.  In the tradition of Chinese culture, his grandma was busy making sweet rice and red eggs to give to friends and relatives.  I got to care for our grandson.  He was sleeping all the while.  From time to time, he would stretch his arms and legs, and open his eyes.  He would fall back to sleep if he is satisfied that he is in our arms.  If left on a bed alone, he would cry out loud and got everyone's immediate attention. 
Yesterday was the third week of the coalition war against Iraq, and U.S. soldiers had advanced to Baghda.  So I had this nice job of holding our grandson while watching CNN.  Holding him in arms, feeling his body temperature and movements, I was extremely pleased, with what I was holding, and what I was seeing.

Yannan 4-10-2003    




 (Click image to enlarge.  击打图片即可放大。)

First few days at Silverton Hospital
just born a few hours
Silverton Hospital  产科医院的头几天
taking first bath
Looking at the outside world
Kevin comes back home
sleeping, again
Who are you?
3-15-2003, everybody busy making Chinese baozi while Wei plays with his 6-day-old nephew
Kevin in uncle's palm
From less than 5 lb, Kevin has now gained 2 pounds.
in blue overall
Did you see him smile?
Kevin 3 weeks
It's better than nothing.
better than nothing
Looking into your eyes
leg bracelet from Hongkong
leg bracelet from Hongkong
Kevin one month
Kevin one month

(Click image to enlarge.  击打图片即可放大。)



Updated November 18, 2015
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