life in


Little Grandson (16)  抱孙了 (十六)

One day, Li-qing was baby-sitting Kevin while his mom was at school and his dad at work. By three, it was my turn to care for Kevin for Li-qing had to go to work too. Caring for Kevin is not too complicated as long as he has all your attention. We played pingpong, Lego, play structure, and went around the neighborhood to look for catties. He also rode his horse and tricycle, and watch Thomas and Friends, and Mickey Mouse on DVD. He also mowed the lawn, and made an impressive show on the keyboard.

At two and 4 months, Kevin surely is well loved.

Also: Kevin at beach on July the Fourth weekend




(Click image to enlarge.  击打图片即可放大。)

Kevin reads his story book while his grandma picks up a call

Kevin in action

[Clicking the image will play a short video, complete with sound. The AVI file is about 3MB, so it may take a little while, depending on the speed of your Internet connection. If image or sound is missing, download the latest Windows Media Player or Apple Quicktime Player.


击打左边图片可以看到恺恩,并听到声音。影视文件(AVI)有3MB大,所以得耐心等一会儿。如果没图像或声音,您可下载微软的Windows Media Player, 或苹果的Quicktime Player.]

Kevin 2 years and 4 months.  He got a cut near his right eye somewhere on the fireplace, whose corners we later wrapped.
Kevin asks pa's and mom's friend to read to him
Kevin bids goodbye with hugs and kisses
one more goodbye before the car leaves
Kevin and grandma playing nose snatching

Kevin & his grandma in action:

telling a story: weeping duckling



Kevin the player
Kevin plays against grandma

(Click image to enlarge.  击打图片即可放大。)



Updated November 18, 2015
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