life in


Little Grandson (4)  抱孙了 (四)

In a few days Kevin will be six months old. Six months is too soon for him to sit up or to crawl. My hometown has a saying: sit at seven (months), and crawl at eight (months). Now if you put him on bed, on his back, he would turn over on his two hands, like the photo (#4) below, and would crawl backwards. If you are eating, he would look at the food, then at you, then alternately again, as if asking: why not for me? I like taking him to the garden when I water the vegetable and flowers. He would help me hold the hose, look in the direction where water goes, stare at the rainbow that water and sunlight create, and listen to the sounds when water falls on the leaves. To a baby, the world must be a wonderful place, full of sound, light, motion, and temptation.

Photos below were taken as Kevin grows up, from five months to today, November 10, 2003.

再过几天,小孙子就六个月大了。我们家乡话说“七坐八爬”,因此,他还不会坐,不会爬。把他仰放在床铺上,他会翻过身来,双手撑起身子,(如图四),双脚蹬动着,不是往前进,而是慢慢往后退。最尴尬的是抱着小孙子自己吃东西。他会看看你,再看你吃的东西。亮晶晶的眼睛,在问一个你无法回避的问题:"我呢?" 浇花浇菜的时候抱着他是很好的。他会抓住水管,看流水的去向,看阳光下的彩虹,听清水洒落在叶片上的声音。从他的亮晶晶的眼睛望出去,这世界到处是颜色和音响,多少美妙,多么神奇!

下面的照片从恺恩五个月,到今天, 2003-11-10。

(Click image to enlarge.  击打图片即可放大。)

maternal grandmother and Kevin
me and Kevin
Kevin five months
Kevin almost six months
Kevin six months & 4 days
Kevin & grandma
Kevin & mom
Kevin & dad
game of shadows
Kevin 7 months
Aunt Maki's parents from Japan

(Click image to enlarge.  击打图片即可放大。)



Updated November 18, 2015
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