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Taiwan, Hongkong, and Mainland China, 2007

The last time I was in mainland China and Hongkong was in 1995. That was a long time ago. This summer, we will go back, and will also visit Taiwan. Yes, it will be hot, sweating hot, day and night, and perhaps will be hearing mosquitoes ringing in the ears at dusk, again. My childhood memories of hot summer was associated with mosquitoes ringing, and stinging, at dusk, in my maternal grandma's courtyard. (How nice it would be if I could still see my grandma, even with all the heat and all the mosquitoes!)

Taiwan will be our first stop, where we will stay for ten days. We will be meeting our in-laws, and descendants of Li-qing's uncles and aunts. It will be a meeting across the oceans, and by-passing a generation. We will be seeing, for ourselves, this beautiful island that shares the dialect, culture, and climate of our hometown in Southeast China.

Then we will go back to our hometown. For me, it's Shima in Longhai City; for Li-qing, it's Xiamen. Xiamen is also the place where I attended graduate school, and taught for about ten years. Shima is where I grew up, attended primary and secondary schools (except for the last two years of primary school, when I went to Fuzhou), and taught briefly. We will also go to Zhangzhou, where my former students are already planning a welcome party for us. Then we will go to Fuzhou, to meet with my friends, my former classmates of 55 years ago, and Li-qing's sister and her family.

On our way home, we will stop in Hongkong for a couple of days before we board our plane back to the States. I have a few college schoolmates there, and Li-qing also has some relatives. I will be posting pictures of the trip when I have time for the web.










We are back from our six-week trip to Taiwan (10 days), mainland China (28 days) and Hongkong (3 days).  Safe and sound, but pretty tired, and have photos and video clips from two 4-gb SD cards to process and put on the web.  Will present them to you in the coming days if not weeks.  Please come back for updates until you see all the web pages.  They will be put up in the timeline from June 29 up to August 7.

(click on image to go to related pages.)

Please note that all web pages will move from one to another automatically every five minutes or so, starting at Taiwan page, and ending at Hongkong page.







If you are looking for this photo, go direct to Taiwan Day 7, Mt. Ali.

如果你想找这张照片,请径到 台湾第七天:阿里山

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Updated November 18, 2015

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