life in USAnanweb


Little Grandson (20)  抱孙了 (二十)

Kevin is now three years old. He can now distinguish personal pronouns, such as you and me, and can respond as needed.  In parting, he would kiss good-bye, say "I love grandma" or "I love grandpa", and added that grandpa and grandma should go to bed early.


三岁的恺恩现在可以分清人称代词和指谓了。 晚上分手时,他会用中文和英语说恩恩爱奶奶(或爷爷),还会添一句:爷爷奶奶早点去睡。


(Click image to enlarge.  击打图片即可放大。)

Kevin went with his parents and uncle and aunt to ski in the mountains.  Salem does not often have snow, but the ski area is about two hours drive away.

恺恩跟爸爸妈妈和叔叔婶婶去雪山滑雪。Salem 不常下雪,但离雪山开车也就是两个钟头。

Kevin at beach this past weekend (April 29 and 30, 2006)
Kevin is doing well in his pre-school.  The pictures here are taken by his loving teachers at Chemeketa Child Debelopment Center (Chemeketa Community College).  They gave him these photos when they learned that Kevin is going to Taiwan to meet his maternal grandparents after his Hawaii trip.  They wanted Kevin to remember his teachers here at US.  Of course he will.
恺恩现在已经很适应上学的日子了。这里的这些照片,是他的 Chemeketa 社区大学学前班的老师们拍了送给他的。因为他从夏威夷回来后就要去台湾看外公外婆了。

(Click image to enlarge.  击打图片即可放大。)


Updated November 18, 2015



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