
I came back to China again in October 2018. Same flights, same timing (as in 2017), so as to be with Mother, and Bro and Sis in the important dates of the family: Dad's anniversary on October 16th, and Mom's forthcoming birthday at the end of the month. Mother is now officially 100 years old (101 by lunar calendar) and is mostly bed-ridden. Thanks to care from Bro and Sis, she can still get up to eat and go to the bathroom. On Dad's anniversary, she even managed to walk down the stairway, and joined the family in the dining room.

My hometown is undergoing drastic construction. My family home is now encircled by torn-down houses and leveled fields. Residents who were forced out were mostly happy because they got a good price for their home's worth, and because they got to move into new homes. A few are still staying put and have become what's known as "nailed-down residents". Just hope that it will be resolved in a civic way, that the construction, now being in the second year, will not take too long, and that no officials will become criminals for bribery or embezzlement in the project.

Something good is showing up though. I can now enjoy quiet nights without ear-plugs. Fireworks, which used to come out of nowhere, and at weir hours of the night, are forbidden. There is some improvement on the net speed (but still censored, needless to say). Water pressure is low, or cut off sometimes, but electricity is usually a constant. One thing that is extremely good is I can eat fresh sugarcane and frozen Leechee everyday. And if pork is served at the table, it will fresh, never frozen,

I first had to fly one hour from Portland to Seattle, then 13 hours from Seattle to Shenzhen, finally another hour from Shenzhen to Xiamen. I left for PDX airport at about 7 on October 12, got to my mother's bedsite at midnight the next day. A whole 24 hours. And then the jet-leg. I would feel tired for bed at 9,wake up at 4 or 5, and feel dead tired again at noon time. Today, October 18th, I seemed to be doing better. So here is the initial report of my homeland visit 2018.

(video: my 100-year-old mother climbing the stairway)






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回到家乡石码 hometown in Shima, Longhai, Fujian, China
10月16日祭奠父亲 Dad's Anniversary
家乡影像 hometown reflections

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(will switch to Yannan 2018 China visit 2: Xiamen  in 20 minutes;
燕南2018年 故乡行 2:厦门

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Updated March 17, 2022
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