I watched Beethoven Symphony No. 9 on Youtube the other day. My ealiest exposure to it was 57 years ago, when mainland China was engulfed in "Cultural Revolution". There were no video, of course, but I got hold of a vinyl record from a colleague who guarded his collection like his life.  At that time, listening to classical music, quietly, was still allowed.  How about now?  Still okay?

The chorus Ode to Joy praises love and peace, and has been well liked over the last hundred years. As for me, tears would well up on me at its first note, even today. 

Here's the link to Wikipedia entry.  Here's the German text plus its Chinese translations:

And here's the performance of about 100 years ago, said to be conducted by Beethoven himself, who was completely deaf at that time, assisted by a sister from the local covent..

前天我从“油管”(YouTube) 观看了贝多芬第九交响曲。最早一次接触它是57年前。那时没有视频,只有胶质唱片,是向一位惜唱片如命的同事借的。那时虽然是文革氛围,但悄悄地听古典音乐倒还是可以的。而今呢?希望还可以。


当然,观看视频的感受更加震撼。请看下面贝多芬亲自指挥的第九交响曲 《欢乐颂》合唱视频。当时这位伟大的作曲家已经完全耳聋,但他仍然制作了这部巨作,并在一位修女的帮助下现场指挥。

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