The arctic blast hit us today, Janurary 13, 2024, with outdoor temperature hoverling at 19 F.  What is worse, our furnace stopped working. In-door temperature used to heat up to 68.  Now it's only 51. It being Saturday, we could not reach any help.  Hong suggested me posting on Nextdoor APP (, which I did.  We soon received scores of tips and suggestions, but the furnace is still dead.  When I called the HVAC company that installed our furnace two months ago, the answering service said that we might to have to wait a week.

At a loss, I heard a knock at our backdoor.  It was Hong in the snow.  He wore anti-slip boots, supported by a stick, and carried a big bundle.  He'd brought us a heating pad and a heavy blanket.

Eventually, with plug-in portable heaters and the fireplace, we managed to heat the rooms to 62.  With help from heating blankets, our nights would not be too bad, even though this 19F weather would not end until Tuesday.  Later, we learned from our HVAC installer that they would come Monday.

Monday afternoon, their tech showed up on time and found out what went wrong: our drain pipe got frozen.  He found a temporary solution to restore our heating, and would come again to replace the drain pipe altogether.  Our ordeal is now over, thanks goodness.




星期一下午,安装暖炉的厂家的技术员按时到达。天寒地冻,我们这条街的坡陡不好开车。他把车停在坡底,人步行上来。他立即知道问题出在哪里:是室外的滴流管道(drain pipe)冻住了。他马上临时引流,暖炉顿时启动,送来暖气。过几天,他们还将派人来另行设置滴流管道。

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视频 Video: 庄伟一家人铲雪(Wei & family sweeping snow outside their home)

Click image to enlarge.  击打图片即可放大。
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Updated April 4, 2024
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